I have finally managed to track down a pack of AA batteries, and since my camera eats them like candy, hopefully these will last me a while so that I can supply you with more pictures.
Today was a great day. Our only planned activity was lunch at a charity Indian restaurant. The restaurant is staffed by volunteers, and after you eat their delicious Indian food you can pay as much or as little as you feel is necessary. After lunch, our whole group headed off to Chinatown and pretty much dissolved after that. A couple of other girls and I then made our way toward Arab street, and checked out the Masjid Sultan mosque, which I believe is the oldest mosque in Singapore. Unfortunately, we got there too late to go inside, so I will probably go again later.
In addition, we checked out a Buddhist temple and the oldest Hindu temple in Singapore, so I've really had a multi-religious day. Afterwards we spent our evening mall-hopping (basically because you have to in order to get anywhere in Singapore) and finished off our day at Max Brenner's chocolate bar, where we enjoyed the most delicious (and expensive) cup of hot chocolate I have ever had.
After that busy day, I'm wiped, and I am really not looking forward to getting back into study-mode tomorrow. But I am so glad that we've had a chance to roam the city in small groups and figure our way around. I think we're all definitely starting to feel more like Singaporeans and less like deer-in-the-headlights tourists.