Friday, May 29, 2009

Today's Great Discovery

This morning, I discovered what is quite possibly the #1 best thing about being in Singapore: juice. Everywhere you go, there are fresh juice and smoothie stands, and they usually sell large pieces of fruit as well. And I'm not talking apples and bananas. I mean huge chunks of dragonfruit, kiwi slices on a stick, and the most delicious pineapple I have ever had. Naturally, I gorge myself on fruit at just about every meal now, but today I found my new favorite morning treat: pineapple-orange juice. Now I have had these two flavors mixed together before, usually in a bottle, and they are quite good. But when you order a $.90 pineapple-orange juice from this stand, the little juice man runs huge pieces of fresh-cut pineapples and oranges through his juicer, pours it in a cup, and hands it to you. It just doesn't get any fresher than that. This little cup of sunshine is almost enough to brighten my next  three hours of class time, and if this morning is any indication, I'll probably be drinking 2 or 3 cups a day. Yay for meeting recommended daily amounts of fruit!


Unknown said...

This is a love affair you have with fruit. And like real love affairs, there are trade-offs. What is the main down-side to this fruity love affair?

Virginia said...

The main downside? Probably just that I won't get to have it anymore once I leave Singapore, because the fruit in Thailand is diseased and they don't have it in the U.S.

Arielle said...

Just get you a cute little mini juicer. They might be a little expensive at first, but it's a sunk cost and then all you have to pay for is the fruit.

Listen this is just another reason for you to be a roommate/suitemate in the future.

I am NOT a morning person, but if you put the juicer and fruit near my bed and then prod me a whole whole bunch I'd make you juice.

And it'd be DELICIOUS.

But really the best part about this juice is that it lacks corn syrup.

Arielle said...

More blog

please please please