Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Home Sweet Home

Alas, after one more awesome week, we have given our goodbyes to our new Thai friends and returned home. But despite how happy I am to be reunited with my family (and my food), I still have the slightest hint of sadness mixed in with my joy. It's just a little sad remembering my experiences and my friends in Southeast Asia, and knowing that I probably won't ever be there again. Although I suppose I should never say never.

Coming home has allowed me to stand back and reflect on the past two months, and realize just how much I have gained from this experience. On top of all I have learned about Southeast Asian culture, I now understand so much more about myself, working with other people, and the world as a whole. In just two months, I have learned more than I have in years of school, and I'm quite sure I wouldn't have gained this knowledge any other way. It is amazing to me how many simple things about myself and my country I had never realized until traveling to the other side of the world. It is because of that that I am so grateful for having this great opportunity, and I couldn't be more thankful to my professors and those planning the program at The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, and of course our donors, Alston Gardner and Barb Lee.

As for now, I am about to spend the next 5 weeks relaxing and getting ready for another semester at UNC. My life may be considerably less exciting now that I am back to my normal life, but I will try to continue posting occasionally- you never know what adventures I might run into right here at home.


Haroon said...

I'm gonna miss reading about your adventures on the other side of the world

Arielle said...

When we get back to school

let's have adventures okay?