Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Summer 2010

I was just looking back over my blog from last summer and realizing how much I missed making these blog posts, not to mention being on the other side of the world. I must admit my summer this year has been considerably more dull so far, but relaxing all the same. Most of my time is spent at home reading, knitting, cooking and doing chores. I have also begun volunteering at the library since budget cuts in Mecklenburg County have forced the libraries to be understaffed and overworked. Overall it's fun, but without the pizazz of a study abroad trip. So anyway, since I missed my adventures last summer so much, I thought I'd pick up my blog, turn on my Priscilla Ahn album, and reminisce a little. Stay tuned for plenty of posts about knitting projects and such!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

you will have to update more often if you're going to be more interesting than my bioethics :P